U.S. Conspiracy to Allow High Doses of Radiation

Most people are aware that ionizing radiation and x-rays are dangerous, damaging and cumulative. Most don't realize that the U.S. FDA has recently increased significantly the permissible amounts of radiation and dangerous chemicals in the environment. This seems to be due to increasing levels in the environment.

Recently I spoke with a worker at our local nuclear reactor who told me the radiation monitors at their employee entrance were constantly tripping when employees entered. This indicated that the radiation on them exceeded the permissible limits. In response, rather than mitigating the situation, which was happening in other plants as well, the FDA merely upped the permissible limits... By 100 fold!

It has long been considered that any amount of radiation is too much. Take radon, for example. Whole communities have been turned upside down because of high radon levels. If radiation is dangerous, why would the FDA raise the permissible limits?

ACR Statement on FDA Radiation Reduction Program

The American College of Radiology (ACR) supports and is actively pursuing the goals of reducing any unnecessary radiation exposure that patients might receive from medical imaging exams and ensuring that patients receive appropriate imaging care. The ACR thanks the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for recognizing the need for such efforts and supporting efforts to make sure that these issues are properly addressed.

The advent and increased use of medical imaging exams and image guided therapies has made it possible to diagnose disease earlier than ever before, improved treatment planning, and enabled more accurate, cost-effective therapies that help save lives every day.

While adverse events, such as those outlined in recent media reports are rare, they do underscore the need for continual steps to help ensure that patients receive the safest, most appropriate care possible. As the FDA stated, there is disagreement over the extent of the risk associated with exposure to radiation from medical imaging. However, there is broad agreement that steps can and should be taken to reduce radiation exposure and the ACR has been a leader in this process.

The American College of Radiology (ACR) advises that no imaging exam should be performed unless there is a clear medical benefit that outweighs any associated risk. The ACR supports the ‘as low as reasonably achievable’ (ALARA) concept which urges providers to use the minimum level of radiation needed in imaging exams to achieve the necessary results. ACR is a founding participant in the Image Gently™ campaign for dose reduction in pediatric imaging and has launched, Image Wisely, an adult radiation dose reduction effort. 


The Canadian nuclear regulatory agency is still of the opinion that there is no safe level of radiation:

The FDA in 2011 agreed:

Why, then, would the FDA suddenly do a 180 degree turnabout and raise the limit MANY times, even stating that a bit of radiation may be good for you? The U.S. is the only nation to make such a boneheaded move. Was it intentional?


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